Science After School is Beginning!

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Attention all 4th and 5th grade students: Do you love exploring the rivers near your house, trekking across hillsides to see what exists on the other side, or searching for animals that are living around you? If that’s you, come join us for Science After School (SAS). The fall sessions are about to begin!


Science After School is a FREE 6-week long, hands-on, outdoor science program that challenges students to engage in natural science, environmental science, and sustainability issues by observing and studying their surroundings. Students that have participated in SAS “love the adventures and explorations”, “find SAS engaging” and “love attending”. ERC staff and volunteers build opportunities for students to explore science through scientific research, exploration, collaboration, games, journaling, and service learning.

This fall, at Hemingway Elementary, students will be exploring how they can live more sustainably. We will be learning about stormwater and how it effects macroinvertebrates in the rivers, local foods, recycling and more! At Bellevue Elementary we will be exploring the different habitats that exist nearby the schoolyard and how they change seasonally.

The ERC’s Science After School program is something you don’t want to miss! We hope to see you there!

For more information, or to register, contact Alisa McGowan, ERC Program Director at or 208-726-4333. Pre-registration is required.

Fall sessions this year include:

Hemingway Elementary School
Tuesdays, October 11-November 15, 2016

Bellevue Elementary School
Thursdays, October 13-November 17, 2016

Winter sessions this year include:
Alturas Elementary School
Dates TBD

Wood River Middle School
Dates TBD

Spring session this year includes
Hailey Elementary School.
Dates TBD

Hadley DeBreeScience After School is Beginning!